Benefits Of Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment For Body Detoxification

Panchakarma therapy can also be chosen for better health, not only for treatment. Before choosing Panchakarma therapy for body detox, clear all your doubts with an Ayurvedic Panchakarma doctor.


When a person’s digestive system is cleansed and purified, he receives several health benefits, such as improved metabolism, strong immunity, better skin, etc. His body, mind and sense organs perform better. His stress reduces and the mind’s ability to function sharpens.

The topics that this article covers:

What are the benefits of a body detox?

What is Panchakarma?

What are the benefits of Panchakarma treatment?

An overview of Panchakarma therapies?

What Are The Benefits Of A Body Detox?

However, our bodies have a natural detoxification system; we sometimes have to go for a body detox that is because of the increasing pollution, unhealthy eating habits, late night workings, toxins used in growing foods and a tense life in this competitive world. Several benefits of a body detox are listed below:

It Enhances Energy Levels

Because of the excess toxins in the body, you can feel tired and lethargic during the day. This badly affects your work or studies. For various everyday activities, energy levels should be appropriate, failing which might result in physical or mental harm. A body detox throws out the toxins of the body and boosts the energy levels.

It Improves Your Mood

The human body is a big chemical factory. Certain chemical changes affect our moods too. People with stomach problems or other illnesses tend to feel more irritated than other people. They often get irritated over small issues or sometimes without any reason. A body detox creates hormonal balance in the body.

It Strengthens Your Immune System

People with weak immune systems are more prone to diseases or illnesses. The immune system protects us from harmful environmental agents such as viruses, bacteria, chemicals and microbes.

It Supports Digestion

A body detox has a very positive effect on digestion and metabolism. A healthy digestive system promotes healthy skin, good energy levels, better concentration and weight management. The body with an improper digestive system starts suffering several diseases such as diabetes, high/low blood pressure, obesity, constipation, etc.

What Is Panchakarma?

Ayurveda believes in the holistic wellbeing of people which includes body, mind and soul. The need for Ayurvedic treatment is increasing because this treatment is natural.
The body is already being infused with chemicals in several ways like via foods, pollutant air and water. So, many are showing their interest in chemical-free treatments. And Panchakarma is a powerful way to get rid of the toxins in a natural way. Effects of Panchakarma and Ayurvedic treatment have been desirable in most of the cases.
The name Panchakarma means ‘five actions’ which refer to five distinctive activities to purify the body. These activities are Purgation, Vomiting, Anuvaasan, Nasyam and Niruham. It is said many of the Ayurvedic techniques stand on Panchakarma healing; it is like a pillar.

What Are The Benefits Of Panchakarma Treatment?

There are several benefits of Panchakarma treatment. A few of them are listed below:

Getting rid of the toxins in the body
Purifying the body completely
Improving metabolism
Helpful in the bodyweight management
Making the digestive fire strong
Helpful in relieving stress
Making immunity stronger
Rejuvenating the tissues
Slowing down aging
Helpful in opening the blocked channels
Relaxing the body and the mind
Beneficial for the skin and hair


Pre Panchakarma Process

There are two pre Panchakarma processes called Oleation and Fomentation.


In Oleation, oils are applied to your body. The oils are selected as per your treatment requirement. In internal Oleation, the patient is advised a specific amount of medicated oil or ghee to drink up to a specific period. The amount of this drink is gradually increased on a daily basis. This therapy may cover 3 to 7days.
In external Oleation, Ayurvedic massage is given for 30 to 90 minutes with medicated oils. The massage time may vary as per the individual’s requirement.


Fomentation or sweating follows after Oleation. Different sources are used to heat the body in order to induce sweat. It opens the pores of the skin. Fomentation increases the Agni that helps burn out extra fatty tissues. It also helps in flushing out the toxins via sweat.

Types Of Panchakarma Therapies

These therapies are basically performed at the Panchakarma clinic. If you’re looking for an Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment center in Delhi, You can contact Aasha Ayurveda, a Panchakarma therapy center, at Rajouri Garden in Delhi.
Contact number: +91- 9811773770; Website:

Types of Panchakarma therapies are listed below: 


First, the body is treated through Oleation and Fomentation processes. After this, Vamana takes place. It is a vomiting process. An emetic medicine is given to the patient to clear out the toxins, passage and undigested food. Vamana is very beneficial for asthma, obesity and Kapha dominated bodies.


Virechana is a Sanskrit word for ‘laxative’. It is related to excretion. The patients release toxins by cleansing their bowels.
The Panchakarma doctor recommends an herbal laxative that helps bowels cleanse the toxins of the body. This therapy is very beneficial for colitis and jaundice and for pitta dominated bodies.


Nasya therapy is used to clear the head region. The doctor prepares the body for Nasya therapy by giving a light massage on the shoulder areas and the head.
After this, the doctor instills nasal drops in the nostrils of the patients. It is done to clear the entire head to relieve migraines, headaches and hair problems.
Medicated oil is used as nasal drops to clear out the Kapha toxins in the head throat.


Basti therapy might sound strange but is very useful. The doctor administers medicated ghee, milk or oil into the rectum of the patient in order to clean it.
Basti is usually done for chronic and complex diseases. It is highly useful for Vata dominated bodies and works well on piles, constipation and arthritis.


It is a blood cleansing. It helps treat diseases caused by toxins in blood. Raktamoskshana can be done either on the entire body or on some specific part.
It works best in curing skin diseases like pigmentation and eczema. But there might be chances or risk of infection during the cleansing.

Panchakarma therapy can also be chosen for a better health, not only for treatment. Before choosing Panchakarma therapy for body detox, clear all your doubts with an Ayurvedic Panchakarma doctor. Don’t forget to visit Aasha Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic Panchakarma centre in Delhi.


Know Panchkarma Treatment:  What is Panchkarma in Ayurveda in Hindi 

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