Virechana Treatment in Ayurveda – Weight Loss, Skin Problems & Many Other Benefits

Virechan is a part of Panchakarma therapy in which herbal drugs are administered to induce purgation. The aggravated pitta dosha is expelled by virechana karma hence termed as sanshodhana karma. Explained by shloka in Charaka Samhita
   “विरेचनं पित्तहाराणं”

Virechana Treatment in Ayurveda - Weight Loss, Skin Problems & Many Other Benefits.png

It is of 2 types depending upon the dosha to be expelled. Snigdha virechan is done when pitta is associated with vayu and rooksha virechan when kapha dosha is associated with pitta.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Centre in Delhi


Virechan is highly recommended in cleaning the body from excess pitta dosha, blood purification and eliminating the toxins.

Virechan is carried out in the following ways-

Purvakarma includes use of appetizers and digestive drugs followed by oral administration of medicated oil/ghee according to the nature of koshtha. This is followed by snehana and swedana.

Pradhankarma (main procedure) –depending upon the strength and koshtha of a person virechan drugs such as trivrit, shyama, danti, dravanti, vacha, chitrak, gawakshi etc are administered.

Sansarjanakarma (paschatkarma) post operative procedures-this includes management of lifestyle and diet.



Virechan is beneficial in diseases occurring due to vitiate pitta.
We shall discuss here some of the important disorders where virechan works significantly.

1) Virechan is beneficial in skin treatment as the skin problems arise due to involvement of pitta and rakta. Under Aasha Ayurveda, best skin treatment in Delhi, significant relief was found in patients with eczema, hyperpigmentation, itching, psoriasis etc. The therapy improves the dushti symptoms of pitta and vata dosha. For any skin related issues one must visit the doctor for ayurvedic skin treatment. Aasha’s ayurvedic treatment for skin in Delhi stands tall amongst the other centres.
2) Virechan and basti are best therapy for weight loss treatment. Obesity is a metabolic disorder and so the therapy improves the metabolism by eliminating the toxins. Virechan is chosen over basti as it is less invasive. It flourishes the good gut microbiome and thus promotes weight loss and well being of the person.
3) Alopecia is an auto immune disorder also called as spot baldness. Pitta is the aggravated dosha here. Hair treatment required is, piita pacifying drugs and therapy. Virechan is the treatment of choice for expelling aggravated pitta dosha. Hence in the case of hair treatment in alopecia medicated purgation therapy reduces the pitta dosha and hence is an excellent therapy for management of alopecia.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Loss and skin treatment

Other benefits of virechan are it helps in lowering the cholesterol, improves the liver function, reduces the fat on the liver, chronic head ache, acne, hyperlipidemia, improves the function of the kidney and heart.

Virechan is contraindicated in fever, poor digestion, bleeding or ulcer in the lower abdomen, dysentery, after medicated enema, diarrhea, after oleation etc.

Aasha Ayurveda

Panchakarma Therapy Centre in Rajouri Garden

The therapy can also be taken as a wellness program especially during the season when pitta is aggravated. Always visit the ayurvedic consultant instead of following it through any article, books or comment section.


If you are looking best treatment for panchkarma, skin treatment and other health issue

click on: Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment and therapy centers in Delhi


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