Ayurveda Detoxification and Rejuvenation – Eat Taste Heal

What Is A Body Detox?

In simple words, a body detox means getting rid of the toxins in the body. The liver in the body functions as a filter for the blood to eliminate toxins from the body. Internally-produced or environmental toxins may prevent the liver from functioning at its optimum. In this case, a natural body-detox can help restore the vital functions of the body.


What Causes Toxins In The Body?

The body is bombarded with toxins every day. However, it has an auto-system to eliminate toxins from the body but when the so many toxins gathered in the body, this system has to work harder. A detoxification help from outside can be beneficial for it.

Have you ever thought how the body gets these toxins? Some common reasons are mentioned below:

Due to lifestyle

Man’s lifestyle has gone through a tremendous change in a few decades. The use of chemicals-containing cosmetics has increased. More and more people are consuming processed and fast foods. Apart from these, an increase in coffee and alcohol consumption can also be seen.

Due to the environment

Environmental factors may include pollutants from industries, radiation, water and air pollution, herbicides and pesticides.

Due to intestinal microbes

The gastrointestinal tract has bacteria and yeast that help in the digestive process. The tract also has toxins that are thrown out of the body through the exit of the intestinal tube. But sometimes, these toxins from the intestines enter the bloodstream.

Due to metabolic reactions

Our bodies naturally produce toxins when they break down sugars, proteins and fats. Toxins may also be present in the diet that we consume.

Due to stress

Too much stress may affect the functions of the nervous system and hormones. This may reduce the body’s ability to detox.




How Do Toxins Affect The Body?

Toxins affect the body in so many different ways. Some of them are:

Constant fatigue

Are you feeling more and more tired during the day without knowing the reason? Well, it may be because of excessive toxins in the body. You may have excessive sleep but even then feel tired after a little physical or mental activity. Toxic load of a long term may cause adrenal fatigue.

Weight problems

The body with excessive toxins may lose or gain weight in an inappropriate proportion. There are lipophilic toxins that contain dioxins and pesticides. These toxins stimulate the body to create more fatty cells in order to trap more toxins.


Body toxins cause imbalances in the cortisol levels and in other hormones in the body. Toxins also cause restlessness in the body. These changes may cause slight or deep insomnia.

Thinking impairment

It is said, ‘a healthy mind lives in a healthy body’. Have you noticed when you fall ill, it also affects your mental functioning? Even a little cold troubles your concentration at work. For the mind to function in a good way, the body should be in a healthy state.

Unexplainable headaches

If you constantly suffer from unexplainable headaches, the toxins in the body may be culprits that cause them. There are toxins that can negatively influence the brain such as monosodium glutamate and aspartame which can cause chronic headaches.

Constipation or piles

The body eliminates wastes on a daily basis. When the stomach is not completely relieved of the wastes, it may cause toxins to build up in the body. An excessive amount of toxins in the body may cause constipation or even piles. Therefore, one must be careful of eating healthy foods and drinking enough water.

Skin infections

Skin infection is another common problem that toxins may cause. When the body has a load of toxins, it becomes difficult for the liver to cleanse out all the toxins. As a result, these toxins enter the bloodstream and cause blood-related problems such as skin rashes, dermatographia, eczema, ecne, pimples and boils.

Ways To Naturally Detox Your Body

The body can be detoxed naturally. Yes, you heard it right. But treatment for Panchakarma can give better results in detoxification of the body. Some of the ways are mentioned below:

Panchakarma therapy

Panchakarma therapy is a powerful way to eliminate toxins present in the body. This therapy has helped many in vitalizing and restoring their body functions. It not only cleanses the body but also helps the mind with its calming effects.

Aasha Ayurveda, Panchakarma centre in Delhi. Call: +91- 9811773770; Website: www.aashaayurveda.com

Fasting for detox

Fasting can be extremely good for a body detox. People on a fasting detox can go for fruit or light vegetables including liquids like milk, water and juice. Through fasting, the digestive system gets some relief from its usual work routine, which, as a result, strengthens it. Fasting helps in flushing the toxins out of the body.

Include exercise in your daily routine

When it is about health, exercise must be talked about. Exercise has several health benefits. It helps manage weight, reduces blood pressure, sweats out toxins, improves the digestive system and strengthens the immune system.

Get enough sleep

In this highly active and competitive world, sometimes we begin to compromise with our sleep. And when we deprive the body of sleep, it cannot function up to its optimum. Sleep makes the body ready for the next day by healing it and gathering energy.

Supplement your diet

Many people often miss a nutritional diet as they prefer fast or processed foods. This way, the body cannot get all the essential nutrients for its important functions.

Detox water

Detox water contains flavors of fresh vegetables, fruits or herbs. It is also known as fruit-flavored or fruit-infused water. Detox water can also be made at home using herbs, fruits and vegetables. As the name suggests, this water is very beneficial in detoxifying the body.

Are you in search of an Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment centre in Delhi? Don’t forget to visit Aasha Ayurveda, a Panchakarma clinic. Contact details are mentioned above.


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Panchakarma treatment: Benefits Of Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment For Body Detoxification

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