Great Natural And Ayurvedic Tips To Keep Your Scalp And Hair Healthy

It is almost every girl’s dream to have luxuriant hair. Have you ever heard the story of Rapunzel? She had such magnificent long and strong hair that the prince could climb it. The prince must have felt quite fascinated by her long hair. You do not have to have that long hair, but yes, healthy and lustrous hair becomes a point of attraction and can draw your Prince charming towards you.

Hair needs a lot of care, and to have luxuriant hair is not as easy as it seems. So, if you have some hair problems, you should visit a hair doctor (scalp doctor).


Natural Tips For The Health Of Your Hair

Your hair needs protection

You need to protect your hair from the damage caused by the exposure to a hard-sun, rain, wind, dirt, heat and pollutants. They can cause a dry-scalp, dirt buildup or infections. So, think of covering your hair with a hat or umbrella.

Wet hair? Do not comb

As wet hair is fragile, it is easily damaged when combed. The strands of wet hair get entangled with each other, which makes brushing them so hard. So, you must avoid brushing your hair when wet. If you do not have time to dry your hair after a shower, use a shower cap to prevent your hair from getting wet.

Do not forget the conditioning

After every wash, do not forget to moisturize your hair with a good conditioner. It will prevent your hair from getting frizzy. But condition your hair properly. Too much conditioning may make your scalp unnecessarily oily.

Heat may damage your hair

Applying heat on your hair may damage it. So, use heating tools such as a dryer or straightener only when necessary. Heat can take away the natural oils and moisture and make your scalp rough and dry.

Say no to excessively tight hair ties

Avoid excessively tight hair ties. Instead, you can use scrunchies. Excessively tight hair ties may cause to weaken hair follicles, which may lead to hair loss. There are people who start pulling their hair when stressed. If you are one of them, you had better change this habit. And also, do not braid too tight before going to bed.

natural hair tips

Dry your hair the right way

Avoid rubbing your hair with a towel in order to dry it. Pat dry your hair. Some women often damage their hair while trying to dry it faster. Some women use a hair dryer to dry their hair. But an excessive use of dryer may cause scalp-related issues.

Apply oil on the scalp

Apply oil on your scalp as often as you can. And use a natural shampoo to wash your head. Oiling is very beneficial for your hair and scalp, but do not overdo it. Because the scalp will have unnecessarily excessive oil and you will have to use more shampoo to clean it.

Eat healthy foods

Diet affects the health of your whole body, including the health of your hair and scalp. The body requires certain nutrients in order to function well. These nutrients play a key role in the health of hair and scalp. So, provide all the essential proteins, vitamins, iron and other nutrients to your body to make it function up to its optimal level.

Reduce your use of chemicals

Chemicals may harm your body and hair. So, try replacing chemical-based products with the natural ones. There are available Ayurvedic shampoos, soaps and conditioners. As they are natural products, they do not render any side-effects if used properly.

Some home remedies to keep your hair healthy

Eggs: Eggs can help you make your hair silky and soft. It is said that egg yolk can contribute to hair growth. You can have a direct head massage with the egg yolk. You can create a mixture of 3 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and vitamin E oil (2-3 drops). Then for 10 to 12 minutes, leave this mixture. Then wash your hair with it using it as a shampoo.

Banana:  As bananas are rich in potassium, they can contribute to the health and elasticity of your hair. And to use a banana for your hair, you do not have to do much. Simply mash it in a bowl and apply it to your hair, going from the roots to the tips. Let it be for fifteen minutes and then wash it using a good shampoo. It is also helpful for dry or damaged hair.

Honey: Honey contains humectants and emollient properties and can condition your hair deeply. It is an effective home remedy in order to prevent hair loss and repair damaged hair follicles.

Amla: Amla is very useful in making hair healthier and stronger. Make a mixture of amla powder and lemon juice. Gently massage this mixture on your hair going down to the tips from the roots. Let it be for 20 minutes, and then, wash it and shampoo.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair

There are available Ayurvedic treatment for scalp psoriasis and other scalp and hair related problems. A very effective Ayurvedic treatment is Panchakarma. This treatment usually involves:


  • Therapeutic vomiting
  • Purgation
  • Medicated enemas
  • Body massage
  • Blood detoxification


The aim of Panchakarma is to eliminate toxins from the body in order to help the body restore its functions. This cures hormonal imbalance, which can aid hair growth and prevent hair damage.

Ayurvedic doctor for hair in Delhi

Consult with Dr. Chanchal Sharma, a hair specialist with over 8 years of experience. Visit Aasha Ayurveda for scalp treatments. This hair clinic is in Rajouri Garden, Delhi.

Call: +91- 9811773770; Website:


More info about:  11 Mind-blowing Tips For Healthier Scalp And Better Hair

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