11 Mind-blowing Tips For Healthier Scalp And Better Hair

When I started growing my hair and beard, I got to know that long hair needs extra care. Like, you may have extra sweat, dandruff, itching and other issues that may cause scalp-related problems and hair loss. And I wondered how much care and attention a woman may have to give to her long hair. Really, it’s not easy. Therefore, if you suffer hair and scalp-related problems, you should go for the best hair fall treatment, because your hair matters a lot.

hair tips

In this article:

Tips for healthier scalp and better hair

Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall in Delhi
Tips For Healthier Scalp And Better Hair

Long hair should not be neglected. They need extra care. The following tips may help you take care of your scalp and hair.

A nutritional diet

A nutritional diet plays a key role in having lustrous hair and a good scalp. What a nutritional diet really means is it contains all the essential nutrients that are needed for the growth of your body and hair.Beans, green-leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts, chicken, fish, etc. are a rich source of protein, iron and other vitamins to help improve your hair loss and scalp-related problems.

Head massage

Never underestimate a head massage! Lots of laughs. A head massage has magical effects on reducing stress and improving blood circulation. For your head massage, always use a good hair oil such as amla, almond, coconut, etc.
A massage can also help strengthen the roots of the hair and provide nutrition to your hair. It is always better to use chemical-free hair oil.

Say no to hair color

Ammonia, a bleaching agent, found in hair colors may cause hair damage and harm the scalp. Hair color often causes the hair to become dry by taking away its moisture. But do not be sad, you can go for natural hair colors that are not harmful to your hair and scalp.

Change your shampoo

Frequently washing your hair with a chemical shampoo might be harmful to your hair. We usually choose those shampoos which are advertized on TV or are in trend. But we rarely try to find out if they are really good for our hair. Chemicals present in shampoos may cause dry and itchy scalp. Shampoos also wash away natural oils of the body from the scalp.
So, be careful while choosing a shampoo for your hair. An Ayurvedic shampoo containing reetha, amla and shikakai can give you wonderful results.

Use a hair moisturizer

For long hair, moisturizing becomes quite important. Moisturizer can help keep your hair smooth and shiny. It also helps keep your scalp moist. Moisturizer is good for hard, dry and brittle hair.

Natural hair packs

Natural hair packs can also be beneficial for your long hair and scalp. They can cleanse, moisturize and strengthen your hair. They are free of chemicals, which is really good. These packs can easily be made at home or you can contact an Ayurvedic hair clinic. Herbal hair packs can also help you prevent hair fall and regrow hair.

Hair supplements

Many supplements for hair growth are also available. These supplements usually contain proteins, iron, vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients. They can provide the required nutrients to your hair and scalp. But before you start taking any supplement, remember to consult a dermatologist.
Hair supplements are beneficial to not only your hair but also to your overall body. The body functions better and has a stronger immune system.

Don’t brush wet hair

Wet hair is more tangled and is more likely to come off when brushed. So, first dry your hair, then comb it. For drying it, do not rub it too hard with your towel as it may weaken the roots of your hair.

Prevent your hair from damage

Dust or harsh weather conditions may damage your hair. So, when you go out in a harsh weather, you had better cover your hair with a scarf or hat. Many people neglect this simple tip.It is important to protect one’s scalp in order to take care of your hair. Dust or the sun can take away moisture and essential oils of the scalp.

Control your stress

Stress is one of the common causes of hair fall. It also weakens the immune system and creates hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it becomes important to keep stress under control. Exercise, yoga and meditation are good ways to reduce the levels of stress.

Reduce heat styling

Just like chemical styling, heat styling also causes dry scalp and damage to hair. Heat may cause your hair to become weak and brittle, which may lead to hair loss.

ayurvedic hair

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Fall In Delhi

There are different types of Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss and regrowth. Ayurvedic hair treatment is done through herbs and therapies:

Bhringraj—It is said that this herb can be very effective in regrowing hair.

Neem powder—By applying need paste at night and washing it in the morning, you can reduce hair fall.

Brahmi oil—Brahmi oil, when massaged on the scalp, can rejuvenate the scalp and help grow new strands of hair.

Aamlaki rasayan—It is rich in anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins and also helpful in treating baldness.

Shirodhara—Shirodhara can help remove dandruff and make hair lustrous, shiny and dense. It can rejuvenate the scalp to combat hair fall.

Nasyam—Medicated oil is poured in the nose in order to nourish the scalp from the inside.

Shiroabhyangam—It helps remove toxins, regulates blood circulation and repairs hair follicles.

Raktmokshana—It is used to cleanse blood and regulate pitta dosha. Leeches are used on the bald area to open the blocked hair follicles and suck the impure blood.

To get Ayurvedic treatment for hair fall in Delhi, contact Aasha Ayurveda.
Call: +91- 9811773770; Website: http://www.aashaayurveda.com


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